Happy Birthday Ann Kelly!!!


Happy Birthday Ann Kelly!!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet friend who has taught me so many things about friendship. For those who do not know Ann Kelly, she is the type of friend that would absolutely drop EVERYTHING in an instant to help you.

This will embarrass her but I want you to know the type of friend she is. My hubby was ill and had to go to the er this summer and I was the Preschool VBS director at our church. She offered to leave here house right that minute and drive over 3 hours to fill my roll at church to remove some of the stress for me. I don’t know about you but friends like this are rare and I am so BLESSED to be able to call her my FRIEND, partner in blogging and SISTER in Christ.

I hope you have a wonderful day Ann Kelly!! Wish we were close so I could take you out for a coffee!!

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