Ann Kelly’s Garden Update May 2012

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-1

Even though we don’t have a large spot for a garden at this house we are in full swing. We shared our love of our gardens HERE and challenged  you all to grow something, anything on your own even if it is just one pot of herbs on your back deck. So this is what my garden is looking like (actually these pictures were about a week and a half ago).  If you have not planted anything yet, you STILL have time.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-2

I am glad to have a good helper, and that is also the reason my rows are not very straight this year, since I had help planting the garden as well. But I would much rather have uneven rows and have a son that loves the garden and love to eat from the garden.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-3

We have been enjoying LOTS and LOTS for great fresh salads. I also love watching my son play in the back yard, and he will go pick some lettuce wash in the water hose and eat right there.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-4

We also have peppers growing everywhere and I actually have one that is big enough to harvest now too. Just waiting till I can use it to pick it.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-5

This picture is actually a flower bed but if you look close there are 2 pepper plants the dark green plant by the gene and one in middle of the picture. I have pepper plants in all my flower beds in the back yard just so I can grow more produce for my family. Peppers are good to throw in flower beds because they don’t get vines and they don’t get so big that they fall over or take up much space.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-6

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-7

This year I put my herbs in pots on the corner of my garden, in case we move (which we tend to do a lot) I can at least take them with me, and some will come back.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-8

Still does not look like much but in another month it will be a completely  different story.

Ann Kelly's Garden Update May  2012-9

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