Changes to the blog

Hi Everyone! Just wanted to let you know that you will possibly see some recipes being changed from the blog. We want to respect all copyrights so if it is a recipe that would be copyrighted to someone else we are working to put our own spin on the recipe (as long as it still taste good) so that we can still have a similar recipe on the blog. With that being said some names are being changed as we change the recipes as well. If you would like any of your recipes removed from the blog please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. You will have until April 1st to request to have your recipe removed from the blog (though we hope you don’t want them removed)! We didn’t want anyone to think that their recipe was not “good” enough or that we didn’t like it but we want to ensure that we respect others recipes and all copyrights so some changes are happening!

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