Cooking on Sundays 2

Like Amber posted last week cooking on Sundays is always a chore that we like to not think about. We used to eat out EVERY Sunday because I was on staff at our church and we have only a couple hours in the afternoon for lunch so we usually did not even go home. Once we had our son and I was no longer working, nap time was right in the middle of Sunday lunch, and our town did not have many options. Don’t get me wrong we still eat out a lot on Sundays.

Like Amber I too use my crockpot to help with our Sunday Lunch. Here is my go to meal when I am running low on time or creativity.

Cooking on Sundays 2-1

I throw some chicken (frozen tenders or breasts)  in the crock pot cover with our favorite BBQ sauce and for now I turn it on high since we have not found a church home in our new town we are only gone for services and no classes. If I was going to be gone longer it would be on low.

Cooking on Sundays 2-2

I get these at Trader Joe’s

Cooking on Sundays 2-3

and they are usually smaller than these

Then I wash and put these teeny tiny potatoes in a baking dish salt, pepper, and garlic, and put a little olive oil on and sit in the oven, not turning on but it is ready when we walk in the door.

I also wash cut and put in the steamer fresh broccoli. So when we walk in the door I turn the stove on and the oven on. Then by the time everyone has changed clothes, let the dog out and washed up (about 20 mins) everything is ready for our plates.

I also do this meal some times on the way out the door for ball practice etc.

For previous Cooking on Sunday posts:


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