Family Christmas Fun

Family Christmas Fun-1

We have enjoyed our advent calendar for four years now. In the past there have been  little treasures in the pockets each morning for Harrison to enjoy and counting down till Christmas. This year since he is older we have moved on to Family activities instead of little prizes. Movie night, game night, look at Christmas lights, bowling etc. Today he had a coupon to use to go to the gas station and get a candy and or drink of his choice. This is a TREAT at our house and one he LOVES so he was super excited.

Family Christmas Fun-2

This picture was from our first year using this calendar.

I got our advent calendar at pottery barn kids 4 years ago, This one of those things that I had wanted for a couple years and knew we would use it for years to come and could pass it on to Harrison’s family when he is grown. So when I got a little extra birthday money a couple of years ago I knew just what to get 🙂

Family Christmas Fun-3

Last year I got this Melissa and Doug Nativity set here is a link and my son just loves it. He can play with it and recreate the story without fear of breaking anything and it is cute to boot. We used to leave on the floor in front of the tree so he could play as much as he wanted but wood pieces and dog are not a good mix so it has moved to the top of the piano.

Family Christmas Fun-4


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