Garden Time, Will you Grow with us?

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You know I love my fruits and veggies and I so I LOVE my summer garden and farmers markets. I think EVERYONE should shop their local farmers markets for super fresh produce so you can see what fresh fruits and veggies actually taste like, and it is SO MUCH BETTER than what is in the grocery stores. So if you don’t regularly visit your local markets now is the time to be hunting them out and know when they open for the season. This website may help you find local markets

And as great as the markets are there is NOTHING like growing your own produce. All of the pictures in this post are from past gardens at my house. You can grow lots of stuff or just one thing. But we CHALLENGE you to GROW SOMETHING. I know, I know you all don’t have the TIME or the SPACE or the KNOWLEDGE, but everyone can grow something.

You don’t have to have a lot of space to grow your own food. It can be herbs in a pot in your kitchen window, or on the back deck. It can be one tomato planted in a large pot by the garage in the drive way. If you have flower beds that have a few empty spots and gets lots of sunlight you can throw in some Swiss char (which is so pretty) or a pepper plant here or there.

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But no matter what you have the room and time for everyone should try something. Peppers, herbs, and tomatoes are super easy and produce a lot per plant.

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This was my garden spot at our last house. I cut down 3 trees and put the fence up the way we did JUST SO I COULD have a good garden spot.

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And If you have a little garden spot you can grow several things throughout the year. onions, broccoli, and lettuce in the spring.  Then once you harvest those you can put out tomatoes, beans, and peppers.

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If you really don’t have a lot of space or want to grow year round you can get a garden like this Tower Garden which I can give you more information on and I have a few friends that have these and are really enjoying them.

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This is what the tower garden it looks like before planting.

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This is a haul from my father’s garden, his garden is about an acre big and I get goodies from him to can for the rest of the year.

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And I also have to always have plenty of room for flowers to keep in the house all summer long.

So WILL YOU grow with us? Will you grow SOMETHING this year? We really hope you will and let us know what you are planning on growing, enjoying, and harvest this summer.

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Special thanks to our fellow bloggers we linked up with: This Chick CooksThis Chick Cooks


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