Homemade Gift Basket

Homemade Gift Basket-1

I wanted to give a special gift to our aunts and uncle but didn’t have enough money budgeted to get all of them a nice gift. That’s when I had the idea of give them a “homemade” gift basket. I had a great time making them, was very proud of them and all of them loved their baskets and were amazed that I had made all of the items.

I found the basket at Target for 2.50, the glasses were only 1.00 at my Kroger, the tiles were only .16 cents each at Lowe’s and the shredded paper was at World Market for around 3.00 and it filled several baskets.

I used my cricut machine to etch the initials on the glasses, canned the food this past summer/fall while the veggies were in season and used my cricut to make the coasters. I gave some of the family pepper jelly, some apple butter and others salsa!

I never thought I could pull this off but was able to make several baskets for less than what one gift at a store would have cost but I was more excited to give these gifts than any others since I had put time, effort and love in to making them.

I have also used apple butter, apple pies and other kitchen goodies as gifts for neighbors! You could even use them as “thank you” gifts for watching your house while you are on vacation, taking care of a pet, watching your child, etc.

Thanks for all our blogging friends that have this post linked up with theirs!

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