How a Gluten Free Diet Chaged a Life

I am sure you have noticed that a lot of my recipes are Gluten Free. So I thought I would share a little about how the gluten free diet has CHANGED the life our my little boy and in turn the rest of the family. I AM NOT SAYING this is for everyone, I am NOT recommending this for the masses. But as Parents we have to fight for our children and do the research that can change their lives.

A bit of History, My son has verbal apraxia which is a vary intense speech issue along with sensory processing disorder, and when we went gluten free we were on a edge of a autism label. My drs. did not think it would help but I went on and tried it on my own and within 2 weeks we saw MAJOR improvements  in his behavior which was a major issue. He was able to control his body, control more melt downs  and slept through the night for the first time. When we started the diet no long after his 3rd birthday,  he only had 5 words that some people could understand within 4 months he was talking in sentences, sleeping through the night (started sleeping through the night within 2 weeks, he would walk up 6-8 times a night every night for 3 years), and just a much happier kid.

At 2 1/2 we were told he may not be able to carry on a conversation till 7-9 years old, he may not be able to be pottied trained until that age, and would need special classes in school etc. Today he reading, talking where everyone can understand him, potty trained, and accepted into a school with no special education services and an accelerated curriculum. I don’t say this to brag but to show how Far he has come. We had WONDERFUL therapists, we worked hard EVERY day but we believe his diet had the BIGGEST impact on his life and it helped him control his body so he could move beyond these issues. We only did the gluten and not dairy too, he was on soy milk and very limited dairy already so we just left that alone. It can be overwhelming but once you get your head around it it is not hard.

The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, Updated and Revised: The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet

This is the BEST book to read it is about gluten and dairy free. It explains why our kids don’t process these things well and how it can effect them. I have read a lot on this topic and THIS IS THE BEST and easy to read. The Kid Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook is a great source to understand what effect gluten(wheat) and casein (dairy) can have on little ones body and especially that of people with ADHD, Autism, and Apraxia. It talks about how these kids crave the foods that help their bodies lose control, how for some children MILK and WHEAT can be like morphine in their little bodies. Going Gluten free takes MAJOR dedication, it is in everything. it is work but we see such a difference in his behavior, frustration, rebellion, and attention span that is is worth it to us. Most research that is used for Apraxia includes ADHD and Autism or the study was started with ADHD or Autistic children and parallels were found with apraxia since they all share many similar traits. As I read all these books tears just flowed, because I could see my little man in all of the children profiled in the books, because you realize you are not the only one who has a child that cries for days on end, never sleeps, and can not control their bodies no mater how hard they try, and because you see how different their lives are and may have to remain for some time from that of their peers.

School and parties are tough but since Amber’s children have food allergies too we will have a post just for that.

When reading labels other than just wheat or flour you will need to  check for these. It can even say wheat free but has these things in it so it is not gluten free also. Also oats (oatmeal) are processed with flour and wheat so unless they are labeled gluten free they are not safe. I keep this list on my phone for when I am shopping etc.

Gluten hides on food labels as:

  • Hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP)
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
  • Modified food starch (source is either corn or wheat)
  • Mustard powder (some contain gluten)
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Gelatinized starch
  • Natural flavoring, fillers
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Whey sodium caseinate
  • White vinegar or white grain vinegar
  • Rice malt (contains barley or Koji)
  • Rice syrup (contains barley enzymes)
  • Dextrin, malt, maltodextrin


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