National Potato Chip Day

Today is National Potato Chip Day

We thought we would share a few of our favorite chips.

Trader Joe’s Veggie & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips (Even those these are not really potato chips)


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Their favors are Carrot & Tomato (orange), Spinach  & Garlic (green), and Red Beet & Onion (red).

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These are one of our Favorites and we usually have more than one bag of these in our pantry are. The are great for all dips or alone. My son loves the colors, I feel they are good choice health wise if we are going to have chips and the price is GREAT! And Yes I do know these look more like “health food” and people are leery to try but I have served these a lot and everyone has liked them.

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My son is always asking for “orange chips” which is hard since we try to avoid food dyes and additives at my house and he is also on a gluten free diet. So we found these PopChips they are very good, he does not love them but at lease there is an orange chip he can have for a treat. I LOVE these chips, they are light and very crispy and have a strong favor.

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Terra has lots of different color chips which are are fun and exciting we really enjoy these at our house but don’t get them very often since they are on the pricey side.

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We tried these Sweet Onion Chips once when I found them on clearance and we just LOVED them. My husband and I enjoy these. Again they are a treat but very yummy.

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