Soap Cloud

Soap Cloud1

I have been seeing this idea for some time on Pinterest and keep meaning to pick up some good old Ivory soap at the store.  So I finally remembered to pick some up and I saved it for a day when my son was bored out of his mind. Sometimes bad behavior is just the result of boredom, so I pulled out a bar of soap.

For this soap cloud all you do is put a bar of IVORY soap in the microwave for up to 2 minutes. In my microwave 1 min and about 10 seconds is about right. I got this idea from HERE, and they broke theirs up and made molded soaps. I just let my son have at. This bar of soap kept him entertained for about an hour.

This DOES NOT make a mess, it is not overly hot when you pull it out of the microwave so it is pure safe fun. Next time I am going to do it at bath time and let him play in the tub with it.

Soap Cloud2

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