Year of Dates… the gift for the Husband you can’t every shop for

Year of Dates... the gift for the Husband you can't every shop for1
This was a Christmas gift I made for my husband a couple couple years ago for Christmas. While this is not food related I thought I would share since he really enjoyed the gift but unfortunately I did not get pictures of the contents of each envelope but you can get the idea.

My Husband has to be one of the HARDEST people to buy gifts for. He really does not get into gadgets, he does not play golf etc, he has every tool know to man, and on top of that he HATES to spend money so any gift I get him he asks how much it costs and then half of the time he returns it. I LOVE him dearly but it makes gift giving VERY tough. So when I had no ideas for Christmas I came across this post on pintrest and thought a year of pre planned mostly pre paid for dates would be fairly safe. We never seem to make time for date night and this “gift” would help us make it happen. So for Christmas him got 12 envelopes of dates. They are at least 1/2 paid for and if I had seen this idea sooner I would have had them 100% paid for. And since we did not leave close to family I made sure at least half of the dates were things that we could do at home so we did not have to pay a babysitter.

Year of Dates... the gift for the Husband you can't every shop for2

Then we just put this basket of envelopes in his closet until we needed the next month’s date.

So January’s date was a slumber party at home (actually a 2 night slumber party). Half of the dates are at home, since we don’t really have a babysitter and being at home helps keep the cost down and it gives us more time really alone.

Year of Dates... the gift for the Husband you can't every shop for3

So in the envelope there is a letter explaining the date, a movie, a subway gift card, and a couple quiz books.

Year of Dates... the gift for the Husband you can't every shop for4

So when my husband came home the “date” was all set up and our son was sent to bed early.

I really did not know if my husband would like this gift of not but I think he enjoyed our first date and we are looking forward to the rest of our dates.

Year of Dates... the gift for the Husband you can't every shop for5

February’s date night was a Movie Date, John really enjoys going to the movies, then we were suppose to go to Marble Slab for ice cream afterward (but that did not happen you will see why in a minute.)

Our son was spending the night with his grandparents after his basketball game so we ended up going out for a nice lunch and plans for movies and ice cream to follow. Since we did not have to rush home we thought we would watch 2 movies back to back, which we did. However, since we are both eating more healthful whole foods, the popcorn, candy, and sodas that sounded good at the beginning of the first movies, were not settling well by the end of the second. So we left the second movie and headed straight home to bed and slept till 10 am the next morning. Even though we were both sick from the junk food we still enjoyed our date.

  • Other dates, included a recreated first dates with all the stops we made on our first date.
  • Card night ( with cards and book of new card games)
  • Dinner at the Melting Pot
  • and a couple that are just between us.
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