Reindeer Water Bottles

Reindeer Water Bottles 1

I made these last year for my son’s Christmas Party at school, and making them again this year. I love that they are fun for the kids and NOT full of sugar.

Just take the labels off the small water bottles, hot glue wiggly eyes and a red pom pom for the nose.  Then one whole brown pipe cleaner goes around the bottle top, twist it on in the middle of the pipe cleaner. Then  I cut other pipe cleaners in thirds to add the antlers on top, just twist the small pieces around the ends of the large pipe cleaner.

Super easy they so cute, and they get enough sugar on party day they don’t even miss that they are getting water and not a juice or a sweet drink.

TIP: YOU WILL NEED TO — USE A LOW TEMPERATURE GLUE GUN, a high temp glue gun will melt the bottle.

Reindeer Water Bottles 2

Reindeer Water Bottles 3

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