Comfort Food — Kraut and Mashed Potatoes

My Husband is gone for work often so this the type of food I fix as comfort food, I fix it when he is gone because he does not enjoy any part of this meal.

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Green beans and sauerkraut from last year’s garden with sausage and mashed potatoes, which just happen to be my most favorite food ever.

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So to the pantry I went for this meal, doesn’t it make your miss summer, pickles and peaches for my son, green beans and kraut.

This is how I canned the Homemade Sauerkraut but you can use store bought. I just put it in a pan with a sausage of your choice until the liquid is mostly cooked out.

We also had Green Beans, and mashed potatoes which were a mix of this recipe and this one.

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The Stove is busy.

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My son’s plate and mine, they look a little different but they are basically the same.

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