Teacher Gift Basket

My son has attended a small private Christian school for MDO and this year for 4 year old preschool. This will be his last year at the school and we LOVED the school and both teachers he has had while he has been there. I like to do teacher gifts that have meaning and especially wanted to this year since he is leaving and his teacher was AMAZING but this year I was struggling to come up with an idea. His teacher use to be a pastry chef and I knew that she loved to cook so I thought maybe a gift basket with homemade goodies would be the perfect gift!

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I picked up the basket either at Target in the little section where you first walk in. They will have basket sometimes for 2.50 and when they do I stock up! I also scored some on clearance a while back at Hobby Lobby so I can’t recall for sure where this one came from. We picked up the dish towel at the dollar store and I let my son pick out the color/design.

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I wanted to add put in a few items that my son had actually helped with so we gave her homemade coasters which he had “helped” with by pressing the start button on the cricket and sometimes spreading the modge podge. We also gave her Strawberry Jam since he had helped pick the strawberries. The other two items were House Seasoning and Pepper Jelly.

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We added little labels telling her what each thing was and tied a matching bow around the coasters.

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Here is about to get a big kiss on the cheek from his super sweet teacher. She loved her gift and he was so proud to give it to her!!!

Here is another great teacher gift idea here.

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This post is linked up at: The Gunny Not Just a HousewifeSomeday CraftsYesterday On Tuesday733 Blog

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