Thanksgiving Planner

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Beginning of October

  • Set time and Date (if not on thanksgiving day)
  • Decide if it is going to be all prepared by you or if you are asking everyone to bring a dish. If I am just having a couple of couples I just cook it all but this year I am planning on about 50 so everyone will be bringing a dish)
  • Order or make Thanksgiving invitations

End of October

  • Mail out invitations
  • I also set up a Facebook event for our dinner

Beginning of November

  • If using paper products go on and buy them while you have a good selection to choose from (and it helps spread out the cost) Clean up is SO Much easier with paper and plastic products but I really prefer to pull out the china and sliver. I do buy paper napkins (My mother always uses fabric napkins but I don’t like to iron) and I buy paper dessert plates.
  • If guests are bringing a dish when they say what they are bringing make sure you keep a running record.

Mid November

  • Make menu for what you are making and grocery lists.
  • Double check you list of serving items, paper products etc.
  • Plan where you will place food, tables etc. I have to move some furntuire so make sure you have it planned out.

Week Before

  • Final grocery lists made.
  • Polish any sliver or wash china that have not been used for a while.
  • I have over night guests so I change all the bed lines and make sure bath linens are ready to go.


  • Clean Guest rooms and I shut the doors to make sure the dogs or kids don’t mess it up.
  • Clean out both refrigerators.
  • Start saving ice.


  • Grocery Shopping, if you are using fresh fruit or making a green salad you may have to wait till later in the week.


  • Move any furniture that needs to be moved (that way things are moved BEFORE you start cleaning)
  • Chop and prep ANYTHING you can do ahead of time and I mean EVERYTHING you can.

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  • Clean the house other than sweeping and mopping.
  • Make pies.
  • Put together any dishes that will hold up well.

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  • Sweep & Mop
  • Put turkey in the oven
  • Finishing touches on all the dishes
  • Clean kitchen
  • Sit down for 30 minutes and relax then get yourself ready
  • ENJOY!

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I also like to provide take home containers since everyone brings a dish this allows everyone to take a little home for later and it is ALWAYS A BIG HIT! I can’t find the location of the site I found these ready to print off or I would share it with you, but These are super cute too!

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