Slow Cooker Corned Beef, Cabbage and Red Potatoes

I have never made corned beef or any special food for St. Patty's Day so I thought I would give it a try this year. We bought a quarter of a cow in the fall so I didn't want to run out and buy a corned beef package and decided to use a beef brisket that we had in the deep freeze which meant I needed to come up with my own seasoning concoction.
I had already put the broth and brisket in the crockpot when I took the picture.
- Prep Time : 15 minutes
- Cook Time : 5h 00 min
- Beef Brisket - (ours was only a pound but I would suggest about a 2-3 pound one)
- Onions - 2 (I only used one this time but would use two next time)
- Beef Broth or a Bottle of Guiness - 1 can
- Red Potatoes - 4 - 6 small
- Cabbage - 1/2 head (you could use more but since our brisket was so small I used only half)
- Old Bay Seasoning - 1 TBS plus 1 tsp
- House Seasoning - 2 TBS plus 1 tsp
- Pepper - (if I had had peppercorns I would have put some of them in so I had to settle on ground pepper)
- Water
- Brown Sugar - 1 TBS
- I chopped up the onion and put it in the crockpot and then poured in a can of beef broth. I then put the brisket (which I let thaw over night) on top. I sprinkled the top with house seasoning, brown sugar, old bay seasoning and some extra pepper.
- I cut the head of cabbage in half and then in quarters and laid it around on top of the brisket. I quarted the potatoes and laid them on top as well. I then added enough water to more than cover the brisket.
- I initially turned the crockpot on low for about 4-5 hours but the meat wasn't as tender as I wanted so I added some more water, moved the veggies around, sprinkled a little more house seasoning and old bay seasoning (about a tsp of each) and turned the heat up to high. It was done within 2 hours of turning on high and the meat was tender and starting to fall apart. Next time I might add some minced garlic, horesradish or red pepper flakes to see if it kicks it up a little more but the dish was still good. My mother in law, who is picky, liked it!
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