Throwing together a party FAST

Throwing together a party FAST-1

So one Sunday afternoon my hubby asked if he could have some people from work  over since they were going to be in town for the evening. I said yes…. then I thought, I only have 2 1/2 hours before they will be here, what am I going to feed them, and how is the house going to get in order that quickly.

So I am a quick trip to the grocery and come home to make this fast easy spread. Starting with the closest to the bottom of above picture. I put out some, green and black olives, and some marinated fresh mozzarella balls. Then Nutella Fruit Dip with pretzel chips, apple slices, and sliced strawberries. Then I had dip mix and a veggie tray with carrots, celery, cauliflower, and cucumbers with Cucumber Dip. Then homemade salsa and chips and at the end Slow Cooker Cheese Dip. I spent an hour prepping and cleaning the counters and we were ready for the party and it was all stuff we would eat if there were leftovers.

Throwing together a party FAST-2

Nutella Fruit Dip  - 1

Nutella Fruit Dip  - 2

Cucumber Dip - 1


Thanks to our Blogging Friends for linking up with this post at: Ms. Hines Class — Show and Tell

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