Cooking on Sundays

Sundays are the best but busiest day of our week. My husband and I teach 4th/5th grade Sunday School and attend worship service weekly on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. We have two small children, ages 4 and 2, so by the time we get out of church it is a race to get them fed and down for a nap. For several months we decided to just eat out after each service and that would be our times we would eat out for the week. Once at a sit down and once through a drive-thru. Well that was not good for our budget or our waistlines!! We found that it didn’t end up being the only time we were eating out and we needed to find ways to save money on meals on Sundays.

We have done a much better job of eating at home on Sunday lately. We do one easy meal, either sandwiches, soup, leftovers or eat out for one meals on Sundays and for the other I have started to utilize my crockpots more!!

This past Sunday half of our house was sick which left me doing nursery and teaching Sunday School by myself. I knew since my husband and daughter didn’t feel good we would not be eating out at all so I had to come up with something quick, that I could prepare before leaving for church. We had deli meat for sandwiches for lunch that day but needed something for supper. The last thing I want to do is be in the kitchen all day on a Sunday. When the kids are napping my husband and I love to relax with a cup of coffee and a book.

I had a whole chicken in the deep freeze, frozen green beans and a bag of potatoes in the pantry that would be going bad soon. Thankfully, I have two large crockpots and a small one. I quickly put the whole chicken in the crockpot and added some spices and broth and came up with this recipe Slow Cooker Roast Chicken.

Once I returned from church all I had to do was put green beans in the small crockpot with some dried minced onions, house seasoning, Worcestershire sauce and some water so they could cook down until supper. I also took a suggestion from a member of our Facebook group and cooked “baked” potatoes in my other big crockpot, recipe can be found here Crockpot Baked Potatoes.

Crockpot baked potatoes - 2

Everything was done at the same time and we enjoyed a home cooked, kinda healthy, good meal that I didn’t have to “cook” on a Sunday.

Check back for more Cooking on Sundays posts. My husband and I have even been able to come up with meals that we could prepare and have ready and warm when we walked in the door from church so that we could have two other couples over for Sunday lunch. We feel that hospitality is a wonderful command in the Bible and we love opening our homes to others!!

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