Not much says FALL better than apples. There are IN SEASON right now and Apple are a crop that are picked all at once and since most of us don’t have root cellars anymore we have to use them up pretty quickly. I am lucky enough to rarely have to pay for apple or pears, I just ask around and people know I will use them if I get my hands on them. If someone is not using them they are more than happy to pass them on. Free apples are not always pretty like those at the store but they are so so good. Here are several recipes to  give you ideas of ways to use and preserve some of their goodness all year long. We even have A Pinterest Board just for all things apples. Just click on each title above the picture to go right to the recipe.

Apple Pie with streusel topping

Amber makes this delicious pie I think it is one of her signature dishes.

Apple Pie (with streusel topping) - 3

Apple Crisp

This is a favorite at my house, it is great for a crowd. It is good for breakfast or for dessert severed with some ice cream or fresh whipped cream.

Apple Crisp - 1

Can or Freeze Apple Sauce

Apple sauce is the so easy to make and you can freeze or can it to enjoy it all winter long.

Apple Sauce - 1

Apple Chips in the Oven

These are wonderful and you house will smell like heaven while they are cooking.

Apple Chips  - 1

Apples Chips from Dehydrator

We just LOVE these.

How to Dry Apples using a Food Dehydrator

Amber’s Apple Butter

Apple butter is a great way to enjoy the flavors of fall all year long.

Apple Butter #2

Pack a Sliced Apple

To pack a sliced apple for lunch or a snack just slice and put back together with rubber bands holding it together.

An Apple a Day...  - 1

Making Your Own Apple Juice

I Make juice out of the “scraps” when making apple sauce or apple butter. We don’t waste at my house.

Making and Canning Apple Juice you could also freeze  - 1

Lighter Chicken Salad

This chicken salad is a little lighter than normal and the apples make it really fresh tasting.

Lighter Chicken Salad - 5

Apple Butter Ann Kelly’s

Apple butter also makes a great gift.

Apple Butter 3  - 1

IN SEASON Apples-2



This post is linked up with Funky Polka Dot Giraffe33 Shades of GreenMandy’s Recipe BoxSalt TreeNot Just a HousewifeCrazy for CrustInside Bruce W LifeBlack Berry ViineCrumbs and Chaos

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