This Bread Is like Crack

This is the easiest stuff ever and it is SO SO good. My husband RARELY if ever asks for seconds or asks for me to make any dish other than Hamburger Hash BUT the first time I made this break I had to bake more and he has repeatedly asked for it again.
- Prep Time : 5 minutes
- Cook Time : 15 minutes
- Thinly Slice Baguette
- Roasted Garlic - 2 whole bulbs
- Butter - 1 TBS
- Olive Oil - 1 TBS
- Muenster or Havarti Cheese - sliced
- Take the cloves out of the bulbs of garlic, and them and everything else except the cheese and bread into a small food processor or magic bullet, and mix until paste.
- Then put the paste on the slice bread (you want a good amount on there believe me) then cover with the cheese.
- Bake at 375 degrees until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown..... This stuff is SO SO GOOD.
- Here I serve it with Lasagna that I had in the freezer and served with a fresh salad.
Thanks to our fellow bloggers for letting us link this post up to their sites: Taking Timeout Thursday, Between Naps on the Porch, Made in a Day, Chic On A Shoestring Decorating, Simply Sweet Home, One Artsy Mama, A Little Knick Knack, Happy Hour Projects, 504 Main, Its a Hodgepodge Life, Simply Designing, Thirty Handmade Days, Tatertots and Jello, Lolly Jane Boutique, Crumbs and Chaos, Mrs. Happy Homemaker, Yummy Inspirations, Create with Joy, In The Old Road
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