Welcome to our New Readers

We, Amber and Ann Kelly, are Christian Stay at Home Moms that enjoy taking care of and cooking for our families. We try to honor our God and our Husbands in the way we live our daily lives. We like trying new things so Amber started a Facebook group for Friends to share recipes that … Continue reading

IN SEASON: Pumpkin

It is getting cold here and the leaves are changing so it is safe that Fall is here, and that means it is time for some Pumpkin dishes. What is your favorite Pumpkin recipe? We have a few recipes that friends submitted and I am hoping to try soon (and get pictures  posted) like These Pumpkin … Continue reading

Canner Options

Here are some canning options for you if your looking to get some canning supplies stocked up. The first item is a pressure canner and great place to start , this one does have rubber gaskets that will need to be replaced from time to time and you can find it even cheaper at walmart. … Continue reading