Chicken Bacon Bake — Ann Kelly’s Version

Apple Sauce

Grilled Peppers and Mushrooms

White Castle Casserole

Bath Fun from the itchen!

Freezing Pesto

Meatless Summer Supper


Canning your Own Pears without Sugar

What to do with some FREE PRODUCE
On Monday we went to visit some friends and part of the reason was since they had more garden than they could handle at this time. I am always willing to take free garden goodies it helps feed my family well all year long, (well maybe not okra but about anything else I will take). … Continue reading

Canning Pizza Sauce

Pear Sauce — Water Bath or Freeze

Crab Stuffed Mushrooms
My Husband has several people to our house from time to time from work. These evenings of entertaining and getting to know the people in our home, are good times for him and the people that he works with. But for me these times normally come about at the last minute to me and budget … Continue reading

Strawberry Vinaigrette 2

Beef Enchiladas

Cream Cheese Corn